
Jason Slanga

Work Experience

Baltimore County Public Schools
Dulaney High School, 2004-Present
Timonium, MD

Latin I – Latin IV, using the Ecce Romani textbook

Best Practices in Secondary World Languages: Latin – Instructor, 2010-2012

Baltimore County obtained funding to offer a series of workshops to other Latin teachers in the county.  The purpose is to help those teachers implement current best practices in language pedagogy, including teaching in the target language and using vocabulary in context. This type of methods training is almost entirely unavailable to Latin teachers.  The result of this workshop has been a connected and collaborative community of Latin teachers in the district, and a growing interest in Latin study.

Curriculum Writing – Latin, 2011, 2012

In 2011 BCPS endeavored to revise a Latin curriculum that was almost 10 years out of date.  This involved a total reassessment of Latin as it had traditionally been taught.  This new curriculum aims to address the goals and standards found in the other World Languages curricula:
instruction in the target language, and teaching vocabulary and grammar in context.  It represents some of the most progressive trends in Latin and language pedagogy.  The curriculum focuses on comprehension and communication, rather than translation and memorization.  Vocabulary is introduced and taught through repetition in context, and grammar structures are presented as communicative needs demand.  Each year is divided into between six and eight thematic units, drawing on students own lives and experiences and making connections to classical history and culture.  There is no official textbook to be used with this curriculum; teachers are free to develop and use resources already at their disposal.  In 2011, curricula for the first, second and third years were outlined and implemented.  In 2012, the curricula were revised, using data collected from piloting teachers, and supplemental resources were included.


Professional Leadership

SALVI – North American Institute for Living Latin studies

  • Executive Board, 2009-Present
  • Webmaster, 2009-2011
  • Rusticatio Staff, Kitchen Manager 2009-2012

Maryland Foreign Language Association

  • Board 2010-Present
  • Presenter, Best of Maryland Fall 2008
  • Spring 2009, Spring 2010, Fall 2011
  • Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Language – Best of Maryland presenter 2009
  • Local committee 2011

Maryland Junior Classical League

  • State Chair 2008-2011
  • Update and maintain a contact list of Latin teachers in the state of Maryland
  • Work with the student board to plan activities, and run the annual state convention
  • coordinate membership and activities with other Maryland teachers
  • provide information to Maryland Latin teachers about Latin/classics related events and professional development opportunities

Educational Experience

NEH Summer Institute – Houses of Mortals and Gods 2008

Four weeks spent in Italy visiting sites and reading Roman authors.  Stabiae, Oplontis, Pompeii, Herculaneum, Rome – Pantheon, Coloseum, etc.

AVID – Advancement Via Individualized Determination

  • Summer Institute 2010, Atlanta, GA
  • Summer Institute 2012, Philadelphia, PA


  • Behavior Management for Challenging Students
  • Differentiated Instruction for Gifted Learners
  • Latin Coursework