Latin Reading Challenge – Overview

The #LatinReadingChallenge is a collaborative effort to help teachers and other Latin enthusiasts increase their linguistic proficiency through extensive reading. Survey data suggest that most Latin teachers do not consistently read texts not directly related to their class work. The purpose of the challenge is to help people who currently do not read Latin on a regular basis to develop their practice, with the support of friends and colleagues, focusing on text selection, habit building, and reading strategies which develop proficiency. Over time feedback from participants – difficulties people have with scheduling and motivation, as well as practices which help people succeed – will develop a more detailed program for others looking to increase their proficiency.

Latin Reading Challenge Posts

What Other People Are Reading

Follow the Challenge

Keep up with the discussion on Twitter using #LatinReadingChallenge, to see what others are reading, and share your challenges and achievements. Check back here for more posts each week, and additional reading suggestions.